Day: December 21, 2020

Make Tosca the ancient health drink that energised the Armies of Rome

Make Tosca the ancient health drink that energised the Armies of Rome.

It was a popular tonic drink in antiquity  and taken for its strengthening and refreshing qualities. The Babylonians brewed it 600 years BC and the Bible describes Ruth and Boaz taking a tipple together after a busy day in the harvest fields at around the same time.  100 years later Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine recommended it for many ailments.   It is, of course, apple cider vinegar, commonly known as cider vinegar.

Cider vinegar is made from fermented apple juice and its attributes are many.   Its detoxifying and purifying properties are reported to improve the working of kidneys, bladder and liver.  It thins the blood  and lowers blood pressure.  It contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fibre and these are just a few of the claims made by enthusiasts, both ancient and modern who have …