Health tip with a Big "BONUS"

     Many years ago, I worked with an extremely wonderful doctor. He treated the entire patient when they came into his office. A lot of his patients came in with one ailment and left with much info for many of their concerns that were not part of the reason for the doctor visit in the first place. I was very fortunate to have assisted this doctor many times, so picked up special health tips that I rarely hear people talk about, ever.

     In the aging process all the organs become subject to those years of use. there are things that can be done to slow down or even strengthen some of our organs. The exercise, I will explain will do both of those and also will give a "BONUS" as well.

     Often women do not exercise their bladder sphincters except when they use them for excretion. Any time of day or night, even when someone is with you, this exercise can give the sphincter a better elasticity for years to come. This can be started early in the 20's. The exercise will strengthen the area that controls the release of urine and give your male partner a delightful sensation too.

     Let me explain. The ability to release urine and to stop the flow is gauged by a sphincter.  As you are reading this, practice this so you will know what I am talking about.  Make sure you are practicing this with an empty bladder. Now begin by pretending to let the urine flow and then suddenly stop its flow. This is the sphincter I am referrring to that I am teaching you to strengthen and slow down its aging process too.  This is called Kaegel exercises.  This can be done as often as you would like to during the day, holding and the tightening of this sphincter for 2 or 3 minutes.  At first, it might be only seconds that you are able to do the Kaegel exercise. In time you will be able to sustain this tighening, described here, for the full 2 or 3 minutes.

     Now for the "BONUS' using this same Kaegel exercise.  When having intercourse, use this exercise while your man is inside your vaginal passage way.  This has a stroking effect on his manhood and also a pulling effect as well.  The Kaegel exercise has been around for decades and yet few know of the benefits and gifts.